Book Covers / Print
Yuri Diogenes and Jodi Leigh Miller co-authored the book, “Ready, Set, Achieve!” which presents the reader an organized guide to turning dreams into reality without sacrificing achievements in other areas of life.
Designed by Brian Stewart
Published by Morgan James Publishing
“Ready, Set, Achieve!” explores some of the main problems of existing in a technologically advanced world that is built for ease and efficiency while our bodies are built for stamina and endurance. The book further examines how this can negatively impact a person’s livelihood as well as work performance. It’s target audience were identified as individuals who need inspiration to change their lifestyle due to health or personal reasons, and who is having difficult times to find the right balance between work and life. The authors initially envisioned a front cover that was strong and bold, but simple and clean.
I explored multiple themes initially in creating this book cover design, and after a series of initial presentations, the target theme was accepted by the client. I looked for a typographic treatment that was both bold and strong, but also clean and easy to read. I settled on choosing Antonio Bold for the title of the book, and set off the word “achieve” with a dimensional effect, shadow and reversed it’s color to white.
The book is available for purchase on Amazon and is a personal favorite example of a quick turnaround and collaboration with the client with a nice final outcome.